Overcoming Narcissism With Olivia



Have you got an Ex that is a Narcissist or possesses Narcissistic traits? Or perhaps youve discovered that he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)? Do you keep attracting these personality types and falling for the wrong men? You are not alone.This podcast is all about reclaiming your life, revamping your identity & increasing positive vibes!Together we are going to delve into learning how to increase your awareness, confidence & identify the red flags early on so that you dont keep reliving the same patterns of getting stuck in toxic, damaging & negative relationships.Get ready to arm yourself with knowledge, motivation, and inspiration & become an absolute POWERHOUSE who makes better choices that FEEL GOOD for your present & future self because that woman deserves it! Get all the inside secrets & tools you need to connect to your soul, elevate your energy & take action to level UP. Ladies, its time to fall in love with the process, empower yourself, take charge & claim back your power! This is a must listen for those women who refuse to be held back, shrink down, or play small any longer.Find The Red Velvet Woman at:FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/554188381623734/ INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/the_red_velvet_womanEMAIL: TheRedVelvetWoman@gmail.comYOUTUBE: youtu.be/gYusYJUtPKc


  • 116. OMG! My Human Design store is officially OPEN! The story behind the brand

    14/04/2023 Duration: 16min

    I've spilled all the tea about my new HUMAN DESIGN STORE that has dropped TODAY! Check it out here: www.OliviaLouiseOfficial.com and https://www.etsy.com/shop/olivialouiseofficial/?etsrc=sdt&fbclid=IwAR2XrWE-ob-3oT5zeTalw8pI62sKJj27ZxCN6EpMn0wyMJHa3Me2vpit1j4

  • 115. [MANIGEN] Your struggle with guilt ends HERE

    02/03/2023 Duration: 08min

    If you're a ManiGen and struggling with feeling guilty by not 'sticking to one thing' forever - girl, you need to hear this quickie episode (personal & client stories are included!) Connect further here: https://www.instagram.com/olivia.louise.official/ https://www.tiktok.com/@olivialouiseofficial?lang=en

  • 114. Are you shifting from 'employee' to your own BOSS? Congrats! The mindset shifts you NEED to know about

    22/02/2023 Duration: 14min

    They say 'don't give up your day job'.... but you've probably heard that I've done just that. I QUIT my day job. lol. Listen to this episode if you're moving away from being an employee, and stepping into a new role as being your own BOSS. Enjoy these mindset shifts & insights that are guaranteed to give you some valuable insight. Much love, Olivia x  

  • 113. Life Update: I resigned from my day job, started a new "secret" business + where I've been the past 12 months! Spilling all the tea!

    21/02/2023 Duration: 39min

    After taking a 12 month hiatus from podcasting = I'm back baby!!   In this episode I spill all the TEA on what the heck has happened this past year; from selling my house, cat cancer, pursuing my digital nomad dreams in Bali and waaaayyy more! There is so much to fill you in on. It's without a doubt a JUICY episode. Oh, and I also started a (not so) "secret" business which is launching on the 1st March 2023.   Head to the link below for you 15% discount and/or to sign up to my new affiliate program!   https://mailchi.mp/5ba8ed5937c4/launch   Much love, Olivia xx P.S. It's SO good to be back!

  • 112. [MANIFESTORS] How do I attract people & make them gravitate towards me?

    26/03/2022 Duration: 09min

    This episode is for MANIFESTORS. It was a question asked by a client & felt compelled to share with you. This is especially important in business. Enjoy! Olivia x   CONNECT with Olivia here:  * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial

  • 111. [MANIFESTORS] How to know if you’re an ‘Emotional Manifestor’ & getting familiar with your own 'emotional wave' pattern

    09/03/2022 Duration: 11min

    If you're a Manifestor in Human Design - this episode is for you girlfriend! Tune in to see if you have an 'emotional wave'   CONNECT with Olivia here:  * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial

  • 110. [MANIGEN] Stop trying to find your purpose. Here's why

    24/02/2022 Duration: 25min

    Isn't it funny how we reach a point in our lives where we begin to wonder why we're here?  I think it's completely natural and normal to question our purpose and why we've been placed on this Earth at this exact moment in time. Tune into this podcast episode if you want to hear why trying to search and seek for your purpose can actually be hindering you instead of helping you. Olivia x   CONNECT with Olivia here:  * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial

  • 109. [MANIFESTING GENERATOR] Are you Multi-passionate? Why you need to stop trying to fit into a box or find a niche

    22/02/2022 Duration: 32min

    Hello fellow ManiGen, Boy oh boy are you in for a treat with this episode. I get down and dirty all about the TRUTH of what it looks like to live a multi-passionate life as a Manifesting Generator. We are diving deep into some real talk about why it is dangerous for Energy Types like us to try and squeeze ourselves into a label, box or niche when we're truly designed to be wild at heart. Enjoy my loves, Olivia CONNECT with Olivia here:  * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial

  • 108. How to start your own mug business or online store

    19/01/2022 Duration: 23min

    Curious about starting your own mug business? Or perhaps you're interested in starting your own online store? Tune in for all the goss! https://olivia-powell-official.myshopify.com/ CONNECT with Olivia here: * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell  

  • 107. Are you questioning your fertility? Feeling pressured to have kids in your 30’s? Feel as though you should know exactly where you’re going in life? Then this episode about the G Center is for you! (live reading)

    14/12/2021 Duration: 19min

    Are you a woman who is feeling pressured by society to settle down? Are you a woman who is questioning your fertility? Are you wondering when is the right time to have kids? Do you feel as though you should know exactly where you're going in life? Welcome to the club, girlfriend! lol! So many of us do too. I'm SO glad I get to share this episode with you, because it is one close to my heart and know this topic affects millions of women worldwide. Feel free to share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it, gain some comfort and wisdom from a Human Design perspective. Much love, Olivia x   CONNECT with Olivia here: * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell

  • 106. What do the coloured and white shapes in my Human Design chart mean?

    07/12/2021 Duration: 05min

    CONNECT with Olivia here: * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial

  • 105. The Human Design 'experiment'. The Light and shadow to your Human Design chart

    07/12/2021 Duration: 05min

    Everything in life and humans has a light and a shadow. Tune in to understand how this works in your Human Design chart. Olivia x   CONNECT with Olivia here: * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell

  • 104. A super interesting discussion about how to use your 'THROAT CENTER' to manifest money & new jobs out of the blue! (Live reading)

    30/11/2021 Duration: 26min

    The 'Throat Center' in Human Design is all about Communication & Manifestation. Tune in to hear about this super interesting story of how quick you can manifest when you voice what you want/desire and use your energy correctly. CONNECT with Olivia here: * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell

  • 103. What is a 'GENERATOR' in Human Design? (live reading)

    23/11/2021 Duration: 14min

    Today's episode is a repurposed piece of content from a live Human Design reading with a client. What we cover is: - What is a 'Generator' in Human Design? - How the Aura works as a Generator - The light/shadow of Generators - How to know you're aligned as a Generator CONNECT with Olivia here: * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell  

  • 102. What is a 'MANIFESTING GENERATOR' in Human Design? (live reading)

    16/11/2021 Duration: 19min

    Are you a Manifesting Generator and sometimes feel like a hot mess express? Lol. Well, this episode will explain why! Today's episode is a repurposed piece of content from a live Human Design reading with a client. What we cover is: - What is a 'Manifesting Generator' in Human Design? - How the Aura works as a Manifesting Generator - How to manage the two energies within (both Manifestor AND Generator) - The light/shadow of Manifesting Generators - How to know you're aligned as an MG CONNECT with Olivia here: * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell

  • 101. Past lives & Human Design

    04/11/2021 Duration: 05min

    CONNECT with Olivia here: * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell

  • 100. How can Human Design help me? Why is it important?

    26/10/2021 Duration: 25min

    So you may have heard a thing or two about Human Design, but now you're wondering "how can it help me?" Tune in to find out! Olivia xx   CONNECT with Olivia here: * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE (LINKTREE): https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell

  • 99. I'm new to Human Design. Where do I start with learning my Human Design?

    19/10/2021 Duration: 26min

    Hey girlfriend! Are you new to Human Design? Welllll this episode is for you!! Tune in to hear about where to start. 1. DISCOVER your energy type/Human Design 2. DECONDITION from ideas/expectations/pressures 3. DAILY PRACTICE CONNECT with Olivia here: * BOOK A HD READING HERE: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial * DISCOVER YOUR ENERGY TYPE FOR FREE: https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph * LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/Olivia.Powell

  • 98. What the heck is Human Design & where did it come from? Human Design 101

    07/10/2021 Duration: 19min

    The most commonly asked question I have received lately is "What is Human Design Olivia?" After sharing the answers many times before even announcing on the podcast that I'm officially a Human Design reader - I thought - let's make a podcast about this! I hope you find it as FASCINATING as I do! In this episode, I cover all of the basics of Human Design, who founded it, and where it came from. - Click the link here and input your details to discover your own Human Design type (it's confidential and free): https://www.mybodygraph.com/free-bodygraph - Book your own personalised Human Design reading with me here: https://calendly.com/oliviapowellofficial?fbclid=IwAR1ARF0nyQ5tcuKq8o2EgUXHo_sN4h293VnAw-UnzkAlxKo-3D0cm9yDMfs Cheers! Olivia x   INSTAGRAM: @olivia.powell.official https://www.instagram.com/olivia.powell.official/ FACEBOOK GROUP: “Olivia Powell Community" at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1262823320498060/ TIKTOK: @OliviaPowellOfficial EMAIL: OliviaPowellOfficial@gmail.com

  • 97. Powerful Guided Meditation for Your Throat Chakra

    14/09/2021 Duration: 33min

    Welcome to the first meditation of this pod! As someone who has struggled in the past with speaking up for myself, I am sharing this power packed podcast episode full of affirmations to heal your throat chakra. You can listen to this whenever you feel like it; whether that be before work, on your lunch break or as part of your morning/sleep routine. Enjoy my loves x INSTAGRAM: @olivia.powell.official https://www.instagram.com/olivia.powell.official/ FACEBOOK GROUP: “Olivia Powell Community" at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1262823320498060/ TIKTOK: @OliviaPowellOfficial EMAIL: OliviaPowellOfficial@gmail.com

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